TERMS OF ENROLLMENT - Camp Application Forms must be accompanied by a $100 non-refundable registration deposit. This partial payment covers administrative expenses incurred in processing each application. Your deposit and information sheets will hold a space for your child in the camp roster. This $100 is deducted from the total camp fees owed. Once a child has started a camp session a full refund is not available.
FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - Fees are due a month before camp start. Full payment of all camp fees and all completed paperwork must be received by this designated date in order for your child to attend camp. Exceptions are approved payment plans that are schedule and approved by the camp or program director.
MEDICAL CARE - I hereby give permission to the Nevada Diabetes Association for Children and Adults (Nevada Diabetes Association and California Diabetes Association) and its medical staff to render medical and health care, including adjustments to insulin and diet, In the event that any medical attention is necessary that cannot be administered at camp, I hereby authorize the Camp Staff to act as my representative in securing proper medical treatment. The camp staff will attempt to notify me in the event of an emergency. I release the Nevada Diabetes Association for Children for Adults (Nevada Diabetes Association and California Diabetes Association) from all claims of liability resulting from participation in all camp activities and other programs. I have been notified and giving authority that licensed Nevada Medical Professionals (Nursing, Dietary, Certified Diabetes Educators and Doctor) will be on site in California during the camp. They will helping in administering routine diabetes medical care such as giving insulin, checking blood sugars, ketone monitoring, high and low glucose treatments, pump changes, continuous monitor changes, general medications administration and emergency situation care. I will hold no harm to the Nevada Diabetes Association and California Diabetes Association or it volunteer medical staff and non-medical staff civility or criminally for and acts at or during camp or other programs. I have been told that some of the volunteer medical staff is only licensed in Nevada and I authorize these medical staff professionals to be traveling nurses, doctors, certified diabetes educators and dietary personnel and authorize them to provide routine care in lieu of a parent such as: blood glucose monitoring, insulin changes, ketone monitoring, blood and ketone treatments, pump changes, continuous glucose monitoring changes, carbohydrate counts and general medical administration and daily general medication routines.
MISCELLANEOUS - The Nevada Diabetes Association for Children and Adult (Nevada Diabetes Association and California Diabetes Association- NDA/ CDA) along with the Helmsley Charitable Trust (Trust). You hereby consent to the photographing and video and audio recording, in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, by the (NDA/ CDA and Trust) or third parties acting on behalf of the (NDA/ CDA and Trust) of your voice, actions, likeness, name, and appearance (collectively, “Likeness”) in connection with the (NDA/ CDA and Trust). You hereby grant the (NDA/ CDA and Trust) a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free sub licensable right and license to use your Likeness in any and all media now known or hereafter devised in connection with the (NDA/ CDA and Trust), and any promotion, publicity, marketing or advertisement for or relating to the (NDA/ CDA and Trust). You agree that the (NDA/ CDA and Trust) may use all or any part of your Likeness and may alter or modify it, regardless of whether or not you are recognizable.